Monday 13 February 2012

Spookypie Custom Doll Orders

Hooray! It is half-term and Fluffball is at home with me :) I spent the morning working hard on my NEW CUSTOM DOLL ORDERS PAGE whilst Fluffball played at being Sleeping Beauty ;) I have tried to come up with a page and order form that is easy to use and understand. Let us hope that I can make enough shells this month to keep Doctor Ambiguit Deleter at bay!
It wasn't easy finding the photos that I wanted but I wasn't giving up! I battled through the Sickening Sprawl to find them. It was most encouraging to look at all of the Spookypie Dolls that I have made over the years. I can't quite believe that I started making them in 2006! I will be sharing the story of my Spookypie Dolls from the very beginning with a journal entry about each doll. The dolls are begging me to start on it today - and I would have to say that some of them are trying to jump the queue and get their photo in now - but I told them firmly that they must wait their turn.

Now how did that happen?!?

Creativity clock: 7h
Custom Dolls page 6h
Journal 1h

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